Project Dashboard


  • NIRB File No:


  • Application No.:


  • Project Type:

    Scientific Research

  • Project Name:

    Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link Baseline Research

Completed Screening

Primary Contact

Applicant Kivalliq Inuit Association32-4 Sivulliq Ave.P.O. Box 340Rankin Inlet, NU X0C 0G0DetailsThe Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link (KHFL) is a renewable energy and broadband internet infrastructure project led by the Kivalliq Inuit Association (KivIA) of Nunavut. The Project will connect communities of the Kivalliq region of Nunavut (Arviat, Baker Lake, Chesterfield Inlet, Rankin Inlet and Whale Cove) to the Manitoba electricity and fibre-optic grids. A number of proposed fieldwork activities are required to support ongoing project design, evaluation and development of the Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link (KHFL). These activities are focused on gathering information about the wildlife biology, vegetation, aquatics and geomorphology and permafrost conditions of the region. The results from these activities will enhance understanding of the current environment of the region and, ultimately, contribute baseline information to submissions that may be made to environmental regulatory agencies for licenses and permits. The Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link proposed development corridor follows a “speculative linear infrastructure corridor” identified in the Draft Nunavut Land Use Plan (NPC 2016). The proposed fieldwork activities will occur within this speculative linear infrastructure corridor during the summer, fall, winter, and late winter of 2021 and 2022 consistent with regulatory stipulations respecting wildlife migrations.Potential wildlife disturbances during ground activities and helicopter overflights will be reduced as much as possible. Where research activities require ground access field teams will be consolidated to minimize disturbance. Ground activities will be typically limited to groups of three people and contained within the proposed development corridor. Researchers will avoid known important wildlife locations (e.g., nests) and will travel with local Inuit Wildlife Monitors who will be responsible for spotting wildlife and taking action to avoid crew interactions with wildlife. Where overflights or aerial survey are contemplated, altitudes will be maintained to ensure animals are not dispersed, and any circling will be minimal at an altitude sufficient to not cause disturbance. Helicopter flights, installation of equipment, and aquatic habitat investigations will adhere to guidelines issued by the responsible regulatory authority to minimize effects.

Assessment Phase / Activity
  • Received Project Licences, Permits and Authorizations from AA 2024-06-05
  • Received Project Licences, Permits and Authorizations from AA 2023-12-15
  • Received Annual Report from Proponent 2023-12-15
  • Received Project Licences, Permits and Authorizations from AA 2023-03-21
  • Received Project Licences, Permits and Authorizations from AA 2023-01-03
  • Minister Response Received 2021-08-17
  • Received Project Licences, Permits and Authorizations from AA 2021-08-05
  • Application screening completed 2021-07-22
  • NOI Issued 2021-07-22
  • SDR Issued 2021-07-22
  • Board voting 2021-07-22
  • Received Comment submissions from Parties: Notice re comments received 2021-07-05
  • Sent Notification to Parties 2021-06-15
  • Commenting period 2021-07-02
  • Application screening started 2021-06-07
  • Transboundary
  • Kivalliq
Project Images
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