Project Dashboard


  • NIRB File No:


  • Application No.:


  • Project Type:

    Mineral Exploration

  • Project Name:

    Thelon Property

  • Atha Energy Corp
  • Karina Tyne
  • 1240 - 1066 Hastings Street W
  • Vancouver, BC V6E-3X1 Canada
Primary Contact

The Thelon Project (the Project or the Property) is owned and operated by ATHA Energy Corp (ATHA) (through its subsidiary, ATHA Energy (NU) Corp. (ATHA NU)), a Canadian company engaged in the exploration and development of uranium assets in pursuit of a clean energy future. The Project is located approximately 65 kilometers west of Qamani’tuaq (Baker Lake), in the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut. The Project comprises of 705 mineral claims and overlaps portions of Inuit Owned Land (IOL) Surface Parcels BL-06, BL-15, BL-17, BL-19, BL-26, BL-27, BL-28, BL-29, BL-30, BL-31, RI-31, and RI-32. The Property encompasses 111,207.5 hectares on NTS map sheets 66 A/04-06, 66 A/11-13, 66 B/1-16, 66 C/15, 66 C/16, 66 F/01, 66 F/02, 66 F/08, 66 G/01-07, 66 H/03, 66H/04, 65 P/05, 65 P/06, 65 P/09, 65 P/10, 65 P/11, 65 P/12 and 65 P/14. The Project extends north, south, east and west between Latitudes 65°28’ and 63°23’ North and Longitudes 96°22’ and 100°37’ West. To date, ATHA has undertaken airborne geophysics on the Property undertaken under a Kivalliq Inuit Association (KIA) Land Use License KVL124B01. No other authorizations have been required for the work to date. ATHA is proposing a series of mineral exploration activities including airborne and ground geophysical surveys, geological mapping and prospecting, geochemical sampling (rock, soil, and till), trenching and drilling (diamond and reverse circulation). To support these activities, ATHA is proposing the establishment of temporary camps, fuel cashes, and the use of water and disposal of waste associated with camp operations and exploration drilling. These proposed activities are seasonal and expected to be undertaken annually between March and September. Transportation of people and supplies to the Project will be primarily via air (both fixed-wing and rotary-wing) with overland hauling expected periodically to support transportation of bulk goods and large items. Upon project completion, the camp and equipment will be removed and the site reclaimed.Consultation visits will be conducted at least annually to discuss exploration activities with the KIA, HTO and Hamlet.

Assessment Phase / Activity
  • Opportunity to Respond in progress 2025-02-11
  • Technical advisor assigned 2025-02-07
  • Received Comment submissions from Parties: Notice re comments received 2025-02-04
  • Extention to Screening Deadline requested 2025-01-20
  • Extention to Screening Deadline requested 2025-01-17
  • Sent Notification to Parties 2025-01-14
  • Commenting period 2025-02-04
  • Technical advisor assigned 2024-12-12
  • Application screening started 2024-12-11
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