Strategic Environmental Assessment Course
The Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) course has been developed to increase awareness of strategic environmental assessment, and in particular, the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait SEA. The course introduces the SEA process generally, the “made in Nunavut” approach taken for the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait SEA, the process taken for the SEA, public involvement, and key findings.
Module 1: |
Module 2: |
Module 3: |
Module 4: |
Launch Module 1 | Launch Module 2 | Launch Module 3 | Launch Module 4 |
Module 5: |
Module 6: Valued Components & Effects and Impacts |
Module 7: Key Findings and Recommendations |
Launch Module 5 | Launch Module 6 | Launch Module 7 |