Project Dashboards
Filing Submissions
The Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) requires Project Proponents to register for an account with the NIRB’s online public registry to allow for the submission of project proposals and supporting information through the online application form. Once screening is initiated for a project proposal, a project dashboard will be created on the online public registry. The project dashboard will feature the project-specific information from the online application form, including a map of the project area, a process map, an overview of the assessment activity, and a registry with all documentation and notifications associated with the screening of the project proposal.
The project dashboard serves as the complete registry of information associated with the screening of a project proposal, and allows for open access by the public and interested parties. In circulating notification of the screening, the NIRB will refer parties to the project dashboard to review documentation and to provide comment submissions using the online comment form.
Individual project dashboards are best located using the search public registry tool and entering the application number, the file number or project name in a keyword search.